After much googling - I manage to get a few recipes and picked one that sounded more promising....
The results are below :

Extra spicy with sprinkle of raw, finely sliced shallots

* I know that cuttlefish = sotong, so what is squid in BM?
Anyways, I woke up like 7am in the morning to go to the market (repeat to myself : I am NOT an AH SOH). I wasn't so sure how much the stingray fish usually cost, so I was really hoping that I did not get cheated by the fishmonger.
When I came home, my mom asked me how much I bought it for. And when I say RM 14, she kept quiet. Which means .... I WASN'T CHEATED *jump for joy*
Coz if I were, there's NO WAY my mom would just keep quiet bout it. In fact, I think I may have even gotten it at a bargain! *wink*
The dish turned out to be okay to my standard. There is still something or another lacking that didn't give it the UMPH! that Oasis had. But if I must say, it taste as good as what you could get a mediocre food stall. But I shall not settle for mediocracy, and vow to perfect this dish. So perhaps in the next attempt or so, I will post up the perfected recipe!
For now, just enjoy the pictures (taken by a phone camera - hence, the squid looks pinkish, but it isn' me!)
AH SOH!!!!! lol
my mum 'resigned' from the market and so ben n i usually go nowadays. hahaha so dun feel like an ah soh cause i do see hot mama's go there.LOL
i am NOT an ah soh! im NOT! im NOT!
could you share with me your recipe?? pretty pleaseee...
living overseas and love this food very much...T_T
especially the Oasis at Mid Valley one...
Hi. I don't mind sharing, but let me warn you first that it taste nothing like oasis', hence, i was thinkin of tryin to make further improvement.
but anyways, here are the approximate recipe
8-10 shallots
4 buah keras (candlenut)
2 serai (lemongrass)
4-5 dried chili (soaked in hot water - remove seed if you want it less spicier)
1-2 inch asam, diluted in 200ml water(tamarind juice)
chili padi (if you want the extra spice)
blend the ingrediant above, and smear over the fish/vege
grill in oven for about 20 mins or until fish/vege cook.
wow thx..I'll try it..:D
Must put udang kering and belacan i think..because i can taste it when eating at oasis
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