
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

.: It's A Beautiful Day :.

For some bizarre reason or another, I’m feeling extra “perky” this week.

On Monday, my MSN Messenger profile was - ~beautiful Monday!~

On Tuesday – ~beautiful Tuesday!~

And on Wednesday - ~beautiful Wednesday!~

Yeah. So I’m not the world’s most unpredictable, capricious character. Sue me.

Anyways, reason why I’m a lil bit happier as oppose to my melancholy self is…

…because I’m at peace with myself.

Yeah, those very rare moments that I actually feel content.


I’m not so sure. And of course I do wish I know the secret behind this feeling of contentment inside me.
Afterall, it's not everyday where I would go "Wheeeee…'s a beautiful day!~"
And no, I'm not on drugs or weed or anything to that effect…

So this is how it feels to have finally balance everything in life.
I really have been struggling the past few years to balance everything in my life.
From my studies, to my friends and families, to my work, to my love life, to my spiritual life…..
I know this feeling won't last that long, coz one problem or another will bound to crop up anyways, so while I'm still havin this temporary moment of absolute bliss …. ENJOY *wink* :)

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